So you’ve been into spirituality for a while. I’m really happy that you found this amazing aspect of the world. It is shrouded in mystery, steeped in power and gives superhuman qualities to those who devote their time and their lives to it. Some of the most wild and amazing stories come through spiritual circles.

What are the secrets at play here?

What do they know that we don’t?

How do we tap into all of this?

What is it that I have to do in order to have these gifts?

Have you studied spirituality before?

Do you have some of the picture, but not all of it?


Create your Private Dimension and The Keys to Healing This class sets you up with your own dimension, an introduction to your higher (soul) self and some of the fastest and easiest tools to master. These tools are specifically designed to make Shadow Clearing and Positive reinforcement as easy as possible.

Chakras and Aura A practical approach in which the body system of the auras and chakra are explored as a cohesive, interactive unit. Through this class, you will be able to evaluate, repair or upgrade your chakras in all their different aspects and functions. The most detailed class on Chakras on the web,

Pranic Healing and the 13 Sacred Rays. This is an introduction to the core energy types that we find in the universe. We also introduce the 13 Chakra system and how the human body uses this full octave of energy types. This is also the nuts and bolts of the ancient Hindu practice of Pranic Healing and you are shown much more versatile and simple methods to use it all.

Relationship magic for better relationships and how to heal other people. This class works with the Sacred rays and the 13 chakra system to understand what people are not telling you. To have knowledge of people’s agenda for you puts you a step ahead in everything. This is a forefront technology in relationship magic and exclusive to the Jones Method. In this class is also the method for working on the issues of other people. The core of how to be a healer yourself.

Meet the Angels This class introduces the 7 Arch-Angels. As well as a few more individuals from the angelic hierarchy. WE do 6 exercises with these amazing beings that are useful for every non-physical being we meet out there. Allow for limitless blessings, upgrades and divine truth to come through this class. It is bottomless what is possible through this class, this is the tip of the angelic iceberg.

Meet the Ascended Masters, Deities of all Religions and the Fey Groups (Fairies) as well. This class is a step by step introduction to many, many characters who are all around in our multiverse. Introduce yourself to all of the different deities from all the different pantheons, Greek, Norse, Ejyptian, Hindu, Whoever you choose. This is incredibly versatile and  also works through creating support teams from these groups to help you in your daily life. Yet another learning with bottomless applications.

The Power Truly Is in Your Hands.

[stripe name=”Alobar Jones” description=”Psychic Coursework” amount=”29500″ image_url=””]
Level 1 Just $295

Level 2: Intermediate Astral Travel work.

10 week course.

  • Past Life Regression
  • Time Manipulation
  • DNA Restructuring and re-writing
  • Shamanic Animal Journeying
  • Meridians and the spirit/body connection
  • Qaballah – The oldest and most intricate healing system on Earth.
  • Libraries of Light – The Legacy of Past travelers and their knowledge

Level 3: This is  a 6 month program with fewer classes and more 1 on 1 time
These are not individual classes, but themes we will cover over several units. Some of these will be team Astral Travel Missions. These topics require a lot more depth in investigation for you to get the most out of them.

  • Collective Consciousness: What it is and how it works.
  • Medical Intuition: How to directly impact the physical world
  • Duality, The players, the goals and the future of planet Earth
  • Remote Viewing: How to see over distance.
  • Alien Groups: Communication with Different groups. Who is who in the zoo? The political landscape of our solar system and galaxy. Connecting with non-Earth councils and alliances, acquiring higher spiritual technologies.
  • The Structure of Dimensions. What they are and how they work together.
  • Souls, oversouls and higher. What this reality is here to achieve and how we integrate with these goals. Different types of dimensions and how the relate to one another.

I didn’t start out as spiritually aware. I wasn’t born under a certain star and a full moon. I never got struck by lightning. 10 years ago I was just like you. Searching, seeking and exploring what this is all about. I listened to gurus, I paid crazy amounts of money to do some 30-40 courses. I worked hard and meditated a lot every single day. I experimented and read and shared ideas with people and did all sorts of crazy meditation styles. I sat in ashrams in India. I lived in caves at aboriginal sacred sites.  I even painted my body, danced around the bonfire and howled at the full moon. I did the lot.

And I figured it out. Well, a lot of it anyway.

And now I give the education that I wish someone had have given me right from the start.


[stripe name=”Alobar Jones” description=”Psychic Coursework” amount=”29500″ image_url=””]
Level 1 Just $295

This course could not be made simpler. Astral travel has never been amde more straight forward. Explore the quantum/spirit world (they’re the same thing) as I guide you safely through feature after feature of these locations.

This is not like reading a book about it. This is a very hands on approach which means you will be learning through your own experience. It won’t be you trying to remember exactly what some guru said all those years ago, this knowledge will be all yours because it all happened to you, you did it all and you will know exactly what is happening through your own experience.


My work is world class. I have developed world first technologies in Pain body dissolution, the energy of food and understanding sacred geometry as the coding language of our matrix. I have deprogrammed cult members and solved ‘unsolveable’ medical issues. Through independent study and experimentation I have reached the cutting edge of this art.

And now, I pass this information on to you.

This course could not be made simpler. Astral travel has never been amde more straight forward. Explore the quantum/spirit world (they’re the same thing) as I guide you safely through feature after feature of these locations.

This is not like reading a book about it. This is a very hands on approach which means you will be learning through your own experience. It won’t be you trying to remember exactly what some guru said all those years ago, this knowledge will be all yours because it all happened to you, you did it all and you will know exactly what is happening through your own experience.

My Trainings
Medical Intuition
Reiki Master
Theta Healer
Nuero Linguistic Programming
Serenity Vibration Healing
Solid Crystal Expert
Liquid Crystal Practitioner
North American Totem Animal Healing
Tantra Practitioner
Tarot Reader
Advanced Yoga Practitioner
And everything else In Between!!

Its all about you. And empowering you to be the next generation to carry this knowledge.

I dare anyone to offer superior technique. If you do this course and you know more than I do on a topic, then you’ll get your money back and a bonus for teaching me something.

I DARE ANYONE to do this.

So waste not more time and do the course.

Click through and lets begin a wonderful journey

[stripe name=”Alobar Jones” description=”Psychic Coursework” amount=”29500″ image_url=””]
Level 1 Just $295

I have never heard all of this esoteric stuff put so clearly and simply in my life. He talks like a normal person and doesn’t use hippy jargon. Alobar makes it all really easy to understand. You can’t go wrong.


Before, I wasn’t in a good place. Depressed, confused, Unloved. I’ve got some confidence, lots of sunshine in my life [now]. I have a lot more space in my head…more free. Alobar is fun and easy to work with. Best decision I’ve made in my life!!


Before I met Alobar, my life was a confusing mess. I do not recognize the person I am anymore. The skills I learned from Alobar make the world my oyster.


Alobar’s work is clear and concise. Easy to understand yet powerful. I would never have discovered this much about myself or my world around me without him
